Homegrown Dreams

Helping renters and owners alike to incorporate sustainable home-growing practices in urban or rural settings

Homegrown Dreams is an entry-level, exploratory workshop designed to help you incorporate small-scale, self-sufficiency and sustainability into all aspects of your life.

Regardless of whether you own or rent a home, or live in a rural or urban setting, you can move towards more self-reliance NOW! 

Homegrown Dreams includes a panel of local homesteaders and a regional expert on soil, climate, rainfall, typography, vegetation, wind, and how that affects and determines life, farming, and building in our region.

woman bottle-feeding a light brown calf

Build Observation Skills & Land Literacy 

Learn about the typical farm and homestead in Western NC. This workshop is excellent if you’re in the beginning and exploratory stages of land-based living, particularly if you incorporate agriculture, renewable energy, green building, land planning, hand-made products, and land-based living of all kinds into your lifestyle.

We cover common-sense, relevant information to help maximize your self-sufficiency; increase your connection to community, place, and self; and plan out your dreams for the next 1–5 years. Includes a panel of local home growers of different scales and a regional expert on soil, climate, rainfall, topography, vegetation, wind, and how that affects and determines life, farming, and building in our region.

Wherever you are along the spectrum of self-reliance, join us for the exploratory workshop and:

  • Enhance your confidence, skill, and excitement to create the lifestyle you imagine.

  • Uncover your personal values, skills, and resources

  • Chart a path to move forward over the next 1 to 5 years in your plans to live and grow on the land.

  • Hear from other regional growers about their celebrations, challenges, and suggestions, and prioritize your next steps.

Organic Growers School also offers Farm Dreams, a day-long program similar to the Homegrown Dreams but geared towards those wanting to be commercial farmers. The difference is that Farm Dreams is focused on an enterprise model, where income generation is a significant part of the equation.

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